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yellow sneaker example
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Bookmarks for


Capture any items on internet in one click.

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Save anything from any website

Capture any item that gets your interest while browsing online. From everyday necessities like toilet paper to luxury bags, never forget the things that inspire you.

logo of BuyLensAI
yellow_sneaker example$120Save

Compatible with products, holiday destinations, real estate, and much more.

apartment example photoNew
real estateAvailable
$ 190.000
resort photo example
$ 120/night


Never lose track of that dream thing again

Say goodbye to endless tabs and forgotten bookmarks. Your item is just one click away. Don't let another incredible find slip through your fingers.

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Outfit 1

Have fun shopping

Create your items treasure with Bags. From outfits to groceries, gather your favorite finds together and share your incredible finds with friends, and family.

All your expenses insights on 1 account

Juggling with multiple accounts across various eCommerce websites? No problem, Monitor all your shopping expenses from one account. Gain insights into your spending habits and stay within your budget.

Total spends




Buget limit



Less than $4 a month

50 tokens per month

Share links

Unlimited bags

All future updates

Expenses metrics

Get 10 free tokens by signing-in$39.99/year

Frequently asked questions

Is the Extension compatible with all browsers?

Currently, BuyLensAi is exclusively available on the Chrome Web Store for the Chrome browser.

What is a token and how does it work?

A token is equal to a product scan, when you signup you gain 10 tokens to try the extension. If you purchase the subscription you gain 50 tokens per month. Tokens monthly refresh are not accumulated, this means you cannot have more than 50 tokens at the same time.

How accurate is the item detection?

Item detection features AI technology to deliver accurate results. Variations in website layouts or product information may occasionally affect detection accuracy. In this case, you can modify item data in the dashboard.

Can I share my items?

Yes, you can easily share your collections and individual product links with your friends, family, and the wider community.

What payment methods are accepted?

We use Stripe, one of the most popular and secure payment providers. Stripe supports a wide range of payment methods, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. You can choose the option that suits you best during the payment process.

Is this extension safe?

Absolutely! Our extension is designed with your privacy and security in mind. It does not run in the background and only scans the content of the page when you explicitly click the detect button. We prioritize the safety and protection of your data.

Can I cancel my plan?

Yes, you have the freedom to cancel your plan at any time. If you decide to cancel, the pro features will remain active until the end of the current billing period.

Can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, we have a strict no-refund policy once a plan is purchased or renewed.

Get your personal shopping HQ

Gather your incredible finds in one place.

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